Our Assignments
Our specialists are involved in a range of exciting projects
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Saying it with numbers
Evaluating a leadership development training for public agencies
Using Quantified Participatory Assessment to ask communities if a leadership training programme had had any impact on their utility services

What happens in Lao?
Preparing for investment by assessing delivery and scoping for opportunities
For this work, we assessed the rural WASH sector in Lao People's Democratic Republic, looking at existing service delivery models and its challenges, and scoped out opportunities for programme design and links to existing programmes
Scoping out opportunities for programme design and linkages
Towards social justice
Integrating a social approach and the human right to water
Strengthening the institutional capacity of a public and social water and sanitation company in the peri-urban areas of La Paz
WASH financial flows
Tracking financing to water and sanitation and hygiene in Kyrgyzstan
Technical guidance and support in application of the WHO TrackFin tool to improve financing and targeting resources on WASH
Increasing impact
Developing a new theory of change for the Global Sanitation Fund
To make change happen, you need to know how. The Global Sanitation Fund now has a Theory of Change and a monitoring framework to track its impact

Tracking faecal waste
Applying a faecal waste flow calculator in Zimbabwe
A rapid assessment of faecal waste flows in Norton Town and training staff at the Institute of Water and Sanitation Development to use the calculator
Generating faecal waste flow reports
Towards strong utilities
Developing a roadmap for an enabling environment of urban water utilities
Key for an urban water utility to provide to its citizens is having a strong enabling environment is. Knowing its strengths and weaknesses is essential.
Sustainable urban sanitation
A Frisian programme in Mozambique
Applying the sustainability check and FIETS principles of sustainability to evaluate the sustainability of an urban sanitation programme in 8 municipalities in Mozambique.
How effective was the programme?
Reaching the poor
Uncovering the constraints to water service delivery for the rural poor
Studying institutional and political economy constraints to water service delivery for the rural poor.

Getting global indicators
A review of metrics for measuring sustainability of rural water services
To get to a set of minimum standardized global indicators we analysed practices by World Bank, international organisations, and governments.
Tracking functionality, performance and sustainability
Value for money
Assessing rural water supply investments in Tanzania
A deep dive into the challenges around the sustainability of rural water supply infrastructure

Getting a global overview
Seeking the ideal conditions for sustainable rural water services
Global study on sustainable service delivery models for rural water in 16 countries.
Learning with Woord en Daad
A systems view on Woord en Daad’s Sustainable Water Program
Working towards a new multi annual strategy

We are always on the look out for building new partnerships with complimentary organisations looking to improve their success in the WASH sector through working with IRC specialists
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